Monday, February 16, 2009

Cause for Question

I tend to lean towards Intelligent Design because it is the closest to what I believe. I believe that we have been created by a higher power, a God. He has not molded this world to his liking, though, he has left nature to take its course. He has created the little systems inside our bodies, the cells, the processes that make our world go round, and he has let it be. As we studied last unit, God is farther away, thus he created a world that can function without him, full of intricacies that allow it to work. These little parts of life that scientists call proof that a God doesn't exist just makes it more plausible that there is a higher being. How could all that be created from one little microorganism billions of years ago? It makes no sense to me. Even though I tend to lean towards intelligent design, our country is a mixture of lots of religion. To force this Christian idea upon everyone, I feel, is wrong. The education system should mention it, but not in depth, or state that it is a possibility. They should let the people who believe in it decide, because it is morally wrong to force any belief or idea on anybody.

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