Thursday, February 26, 2009

Galileo's Daughter

Galileo's daughter was essential to his writing and his success. She was a nun is one of the poorest convents and suffered greatly on a daily basis. Yet, she selflessly carried on and famously did not complain. Before she left for the convent, she took care of her father, making him medicines to keep him alive (she was an apothecary) and cleaning his home. After she became a nun, she still kept in contact with her father and agreed to edit his book The Dialogue. Obviously, there are many things that were controversial in his book, and she agreed to keep the ideas in his book quiet to avoid sooner trouble from the Inquisition. After his arrest, she took upon some of his punishment by praying for him several hours a day.

Without the help of Galileo's daugher, we would not remember Galileo as we do today.

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