Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Numerous Fallacies of Hitler

Hitler: one of the most hated men in history. Yet, he was able to unify Germany, albeit by manipulating them, but he unified them to create one of the worst wars in history. His book, Mein Kampf, describes his racist beliefs that often make the reader wonder what is wrong with this guy's head?! His supposed support and proof of these radical ideas are not even there; he describes on end how the Aryans are the master race, yet he never gives sufficient evidence why. Hitler is begging the question, stating something that he believes has already been proved or accepted by society. He also spends much of the chapter telling how Nature requires of us to breed with our own kind, as animals do. He compares us to animals, yet this analogy is extremely false. Animals have many different species, and that is why they can only breed with one another: it is impossible not to. Humans, regardless of race, are a single species. It is scientifically possible for an African man to mate with an Asian woman, or an Indian man to mate with a Latina woman. Thus, this analogy is false, among numerous other fallacies found in Mein Kampf.

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